Third Party Liability Insurance (TPL) covers material damages and injuries that may be caused to third parties as a result of vehicle operation by the vehicle owners and/or operators. Through this mandatory insurance the risk is transferred to the Insurance Company.

The Insurance Company covers material damages or physical injuries caused by the Insured to third parties, as well as passengers riding in the insured vehicle that causes the damage. Indemnification for these damages is done in accordance with law No. 10076, dated 12.02.2009 “For the Mandatory Insurance in the Transport sector”. The category of the vehicle is no longer entered by the insurance agent. Instead it is automatically selected when the license plate is entered into the system along with other technical details and driver identification data. The TPL Policy is prepared in three copies. The original Policy is issued to the client, one copy can be issued to the client upon their request (since it constitutes a financial invoice recognised by the General Directorate of Taxation), and the third copy is kept by the Insurance Company.

Careful! This policy enters into force on the date of issue at 24:00.

The International Motor Insurance Certificate (Green Card) is the mandatory third party liability insurance for vehicles with Albanian license plates traveling outside the borders of Albania. The Insurance Company covers the Insured’s liabilities for any material damages or physical injuries they may cause to third parties as well as the passengers of the Insured vehicle. Indemnification for these damages is done in accordance with law No. 10076, dated 12.02.2009 “For the Mandatory Insurance in the Transportation Sector”. The vehicle category is determined by the data on the Circulation Permit.

The Green Card Certificate is prepared in two copies. The first copy is issued to the client and is composed of two parts, where the second part is handed to the damaged party in case of an accident. The second copy must be signed by the client and is kept by the Insurance Company.

Attention! This policy enters into force immediately upon being issued. At the time the Green Card Policy is issued, the vehicle being insured must be physically present at the Insurance Company office in order to be inspected by an agent of the Insurance Company. Under no circumstances can the Green Card Policy be issued while the vehicle is outside of Albania.

Third Party Liability Insurance (Border Policy) covers material damages and physical injuries that may be caused to third parties by a vehicle with foreign license plates while circulating within Albanian territories, which does not possess a Green Card Insurance Policy which covers Albania, issued in their country of origin. Through this mandatory insurance, drivers transfer this risk to the insurance Company. The Company covers the Insured’s liabilities for any material damages or bodily injuries they may cause to third parties as well as bodily injuries suffered by the passengers of the Insured vehicle. Indemnification for these damages is done in accordance with law No. 10076, dated 12.02.2009 “For the Mandatory Insurance in the Transport Sector”. The vehicle category is determined by the data in the Circulation Permit.

The Border Policy is prepared in three copies. The original Policy is issued to the client, one copy is issued to the client only upon their request, since it constitutes a financial invoice, recognised by the General Directorate of Taxation, and the second copy is kept by Insurance Company.

Attention! This policy enters in effect immediately upon being issued.

Casco Insurance covers any damages caused to the vehicle itself by potential perils such as: accidental collisions with vehicles and/or other objects, overturning, objects crashing into the vehicle, fire or explosion, partial or total theft, glass breaking, natural catastrophes (earthquake, storm, landslide, flooding, snow or hail etc.), damages by unidentified authors while the vehicle is parked, towing services, etc.. Coverage may be provided for traveling abroad as well.