Mrs. Edmira Muçko graduated in Business Administration in Tirana University (1993).
During the period 1993 – 2006 Mrs. Muçko has served in several specialist and managerial positions in Insurance Institute of Albania (INSIG s.c.) in Property, Marketing, Business Development, Sales departments and Tirana Branch Manager.
Mrs. Muçko holds certificates of trainings from different insurance and other institutes, such as Banking Training Institute, Tirana (1993), Chartered Insurance Institute and British Know-How Fund (1995), AVUS Graz, Austria (1995), International Development Law Institute, Detroit (1998), Danish Chamber of Commerce (2005), Chartered Insurance Institute of Malta (2007). Other training activities have been attended in Austria and Canada (Revios Re / SCOOR – 2007), Switzerland (Partner Re – 2010) and Germany (Hanover Re – 2011).
From 2003 to 2004 she contributed as trainer to the program “Insurance Training Institute for Albania” to establish the basis for a national institute for professional training in insurance, supported by BICON AB (Insurance Training and Consulting in Stockholm), World Learning Albania and USAID.
In 2006 the Supervisory Board of the company appointed Mrs. Muçko to the position of Deputy Director General, and re-appointed in 2008, 2010, and 2011 for three more consecutive mandates.
Mrs. Muçko is a co-founder of IFIS Broker and since company establishment (2013) she holds the position of Executive Director.